

Each day passing by

I hear some cracks creaking

Weakening something

I wonder….

Do I even have left something

Never ever I was ready

But the world came on crashing

Brought a zillion feelings

Most of them causing distortions

I thought they will go Or be tackled with

As I mature and gain experience

Except it became worse with each passing moment

Chaos was so frequent

That it became the normal

Escaping from it so nice

That I started living in imaginations

Putting off everything and everybody

Being out made me anxious

Times were there when hope was almost in my grasps

But when has hope lasted for long

Giving me a slip each time

Making me bleed without a wound

Losing compassion for my own self

I am playing a different ballad every day

The only time it stops, is when sleep takes over

That also never comes easy, always brings its own trials.

Just like the poem, incomplete remains my state

Where will I be led I have no aim

Will there be freedom or eternal cage?

By Rensaisei


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